If Your Industry Needs Transforming....

Are you The One?

The entrepreneurial one.
The forward thinking one.
The passionate one.

The agent of change.
The student of change.
The teacher of change.

Are you The One...

Who sees potential
when others see limits.
Who sees opportunity,
when others see obstacles.
Who seeks solutions
when others see problems.

Who sees things
Not only as they are,
But as they could be.
Who doesn't know
the meaning of ordinary,
or average,
Because you are driven to excel,
and to amaze.


Are you The One...

Who doesn't just stand out,
but stands up.
Who doesn't say
‘it’s not broke, don’t fix it.’
Because you think
‘it's broken, let's make it better.’

Who knows life is not just
about developing a brand,
But developing yourself.
Who knows it's not only
about growing your profits,
But growing your spirit.
Who knows it's important
to have a plan,
But as important
to have a purpose.


So while others
focus on building a following,
You focus on building a future.
You don't follow the money,
Because you're fuelled by a mission.

And while they
are motivated to make a living,
You are inspired
to make a difference.

So if you're The One...

That others think of as weird,
That's OK.
Because I think of you as smart.
And that is why,
I teach leaders like you.

Because the Ones...

Who are inspired to transform
their industry,
Are usually the ones who do.


Alan Lewis

Read About Me >




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